game OF TOWERS...Balloon Stomp...
I can't remember the first time I saw this game, but I'm pretty sure I was still a kid. I loved it. And it's great for just about any age, even your older teens. It's an "every man for himself" type of game where students/players tie one end of string around one of their ankles and the other end to an inflated balloon. Once everyone has a balloon, spread your group out. Size of space really isn't an issue, nor is the amount of students. You just need to make sure you have enough balloons and string. (By the way, you'll want to cut the string in advance. I've used everything from yarn to twine. You'll want to cut the string to about 2 to 2 and a half feet in length.) At "Go!" students run around trying to pop the balloon of the other players while guarding their own balloon. What you get is a chaotic mess of laughter and popping. Students are eliminated when their balloon is popped. You can mix up the game any number of ways by changing who can pop who or in how the move around the room. I would also suggest you give a little direction as to what players cannot do, such as players can not hold their balloon or tie the string so tight around the ankle that the balloon is touching the leg. The balloon needs to be free to bounce and drag behind the players as they run Last man standing with their inflated balloon wins! |
some of my favorite game books... |