Heart's Burning? Don't Miss this...
Luke 24:13-25
I have preached a lot of "after-Easter" messages. It's seems to be one of the Sundays that most youth pastors/workers get to preach. I'm not hating though, I love the opportunity to share God's Word, so Easter or not, I'm game.
This year, I felt God leading me to teach on a passage that I have never preached on, Luke 24:13-35, The Road to Emmaus. I am so glad he led me to this story. It was a great reminder of how God shows up in our lives, even when we miss him working right in front of us. |
As I usually do, I had a few visuals to go along with the message. As part of my intro, I talk about the hidden Easter Eggs we find in movies. I used Toy Story and the Pizza Planet delivery truck as an example of a great Easter Egg in movies.
If you listen to the message, you can scroll through the images to the left, one at a time. Disclaimer: This images were used in a public setting to help illustrate a point in a presentation. No copyright infringement was intended. |