games & more...Muscle Beach...
Now this one I do remember playing as a student. Another great classic, Muscle Beach is best played with the students divided into teams of 4-6 players. (More is okay if you need, but don't make them too big that students don't feel like their contributing.) Give each team an oversized sweatshirt and a bag of balloons. I usually give my students a bag containing 25, 9" assorted color balloons. (They are super cheap at Walmart.) You can also embellish with a pair of crazy sunglasses, sunblock on the nose, and a ridiculous beach hat, or whatever else you can think of that helps the player look totally silly. You will also need a timer, as this is best played as a timed competition. At "Go!" students inflate and knot the balloons, then stuff them under the sweatshirt that someone volunteers to wear. (I try to find the smallest person on the team. A smaller stature and an over-sized sweatshirt make the game that much more entertaining, and allows the "little-guy" to be the hero.) The idea is to stuff the sweatshirt with as many balloons a possible in the allotted time. When your time limit has expired, it's time to show off the muscles. Bring each muscle bound man (or woman) to the front and have them "pose" for the audience. With whoops and cheers, declare your best looking "muscle head." But wait, there's more. Now, count the balloons. Declare two winners; the best looking and the most used balloons! |
some of my favorite game books... |