Tip: Read a book that challenges you to grow.
As a student, I hated reading. In fact, I don't think I ever read any of the books I was supposed to. But now, I really enjoy a good book. In fact, I would say I read quite a bit; far more than I used to read. As a youth worker, we should be constantly striving to grow. To assume that we no longer need to be growing is to shorten our life in ministry. And part of us growing is in finding books that stretch and challenge us. We need to be actively reading and learning how to be the pastors that God calls us to be. Taking time to read books that challenge us to think outside our boxes is crucial to our own growth and development. This might be a book by an author that you don't see eye to eye with. Maybe it's a topic that, theologically, you disagree with. Perhaps it's a text book such as; a book on church history, or systematic theology, or religions and ethics. Look for books that you know will be hard reads. These are the books that will make you think, question and work through the content. Learning how to wrestle a bit in what you're learning will stretch you and you will learn. Don't be content with what you know, or even what you think you know. Don't read just the titles and the authors that you like and agree with. Be a learner. Stretch yourself. Challenge yourself. READ! - jay
*The following is a repost of a blog written by Jay Higham. This repost is part a big move that we are making from our old blog which is no longer in us, to the new blog here on our new host. This post has been updated and new affiliate links added. Original posted on 8.27.2011.
*The following is a repost of a blog written by Jay Higham. This repost is part of our attempts to move old blog post from our old, no longer in use blog. This post has been updated and new affiliate links added.
A while back, I started reading, A Man After God's Own Heart, by Jim George. I love it. It's a great devotional for guys. Filled with short, daily readings that get right to the point and challenge guys to step out and be a man after God's own heart, makes it super appealing. No deep or difficult theology. No complicated scripture readings. No dates or numbers at the top of the page reminding you when you miss a day or two. Just a couple short paragraphs and three to four sentence prayer, and your done. But don't go thinking that it's simplicity is lacking in effective growth. The old saying, 'sometimes less is more' is totally true. In this case, less is definitely more.
Available in both print and ebook editions, I know you will find spending a few short minutes each day reading, A Man After God's Own Heart, will be a great blessing for you! I downloaded the ebook version for Kindle so that it's always with me on my iPad.
Wives, get your husband something that you know he will use, order, A Man After God's Own Heart. Use the links below. - jay PS - I want to know if you've read A Man After God's Own Heart, or if you've ordered it. I'd love to hear how it has challenged you to be the man God created you to be! Share your comments below!
Okay, it's not ministry related, but it's my blog so I can share what I like. And can I just say, I am a bit giddy for this. The Star Wars people have released the first official teaser for the upcoming, Rogue One, movie slated for a December 2016 release. Check it out here!
So it's no secret, I am a Star Wars geek. Despite the similarities on episode 4 and episode 7, I still loved Force Awakens. Just seeing the story from long ago in a galaxy far, far away, played out on the big screen is amazing. I love it. The good and the bad.
When I heard that episodes 7, 8, and 9 were coming to the theaters, I was pretty excited. But to learn that there are two other storylines in the works, well... I know it's just a teaser, but I so excited to see another aspect of the Star Wars story told. With so many amazing characters and storylines, there are literally hundreds of possible spin offs and side projects. I am anxious to see how this adds to the overall story of the Rebels and their fight against the Empire. Can't wait till December. - jay
A while back, when we were church planters, there was a Sunday where we canceled our worship service due to a snow storm that rolled in early in the morning. I don't think the storm was as bad as the weather guys were predicting, but the mix of snow and rain made for some really slick roads. So we erred on the side of caution and made the call to cancel. I share that because the cancellation opened up an opportunity for us do spend the morning together, talking around the breakfast table. Before hand, while the kids were still in bed, I was telling Amy a little about what I had planned to teach. I shared about Enoch, and the amazing event that happened to him. Amy thought we should try to talk about it with the kids. So here is what the Bible says about Enoch. Genesis 5:18-23 esv 18 When Jared had lived 162 years he fathered Enoch. 19 Jared lived after he fathered Enoch 800 years and had other sons and daughters. 20 Thus all the days of Jared were 962 years, and he died. 21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he fathered Methuselah. 22 Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. 23 Thus all the days of Enoch were 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him. Now if we were to read this at face value, what we find is that after Enoch and his wife give birth to their son Methuselah, Enoch begins his walk with God. Now we don't know the specific details about what Enoch's life looked like before his sons birth, or why the birth caused such a huge change in his life. We only know that now, Enoch was walking with God. The verses go on to say that from that point on, Enoch walked with God till he was no more. One of the resources I read while prepping for my sermon shared a really simple, yet powerfully thoughtful story. The story was about a girl, who following her Sunday school class, told her mom that they had learned about Enoch. She said, "God would come to Enoch every day and ask Enoch to go for a walk with him. Enoch would say yes, and follow side by side with God. After awhile, Enoch so enjoyed his time with God that he would wait by the gate of his house for God to come. Day after day, Enoch looked forward to walking with God. Till one day, while on a specially long walk, Enoch noticed it was getting late, so he said to God that he'd better get back home. But God turned to Enoch and said, 'Enoch, you are closer to my home than you are to your home. Why not come home with me.' And that is what Enoch did." [Story from J. Vernen McGee's book, Genesis Chapters 1-15. Paraphrase is mine.] Think about that for a moment. Can you say that your walk with God looks anything like Enoch? I mean, do you look forward to spending time with God? If God were to come by your house in the morning to walk with you, would you be at the gate anxiously waiting? Would God say that your heart was closer to His home than your worldly home? It's a pretty powerful picture that the writer of Genesis gives in including Enoch and his faithful walk with His Creator. As God's children, we should be looking forward to spending time daily with the Father. I think the reason the story of Enoch is included in Genesis 5, is to encourage us to live in the same way. Walk with God. Till He comes and walks you home. - jay
I have been blogging for a long time. I start way back in 2005, writing for fun, sharing ideas, talking about the family, and observing the church, ministry, and culture. Throughout the years I have utilized a number of platforms; Blogger, Wordpress, my own hosted websites. I have content in a lot of places.
But I've decided to try to bring some of those old posts that I really liked or that saw some traffic, back and consolidate everything so my content is more centralized. In doing this, it will also give me the opportunity to revise, update, and add to some of these posts; giving them a new, fresh, more relevant voice. One of the posts I am most excited to bring back is actually a 60 part series called, Youth Worker Tip of the Day! This daily series was originally created to become a stand alone blog, offering quick, help, practical tips for all areas of student ministry. I stopped at 60 because a of ministry change. But now, I want to give them new life, and add to the 60 with new tips. However, it probably will not be a "daily" tip, but a weekly post. So be watching for some new "old" content to hit the blog over the next couple of months. And be on the look out for the Youth Work Tips series. Hey, it's Friday, so I'm wrapping up the week with a shorter post! Hope you have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday! - jay
AuthorJay Higham is a veteran youth worker of over 30 years; having worked with students in the local church and Christian camping settings. Jay is currently serving as the director of family ministry at a church, located in West Virginia. Jay has been married to Amy for over 25 years. Together, they are raising 5 kids, (4 boys and 1 girl). Jay is an aspiring author, blogger, speaker, vlogger, and social media junkie. He is passionate about student ministry, family ministry, and training youth workers to love and serve their students with passion and excellence. Archives
December 2023